Understanding the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Marking Structure
The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) has a very specific marking structure which is used to allocate results to students taking their Ballet exams. This can be a bit confusing, so here is some information which should help you understand the exam results.
Pre-Primary Class Award
The assessment system for class awards is formative in nature rather than summative, and is intended to give broad overview of the candidate’s achievement and progress to date as observed by the examiner. Class awards do not provide a specified level of attainment for the candidate and are not qualifications.
The students are assessed, through the performance of the entire class award content, on the following criteria:
Technique - Demonstrating control and co-ordination
Music - Showing correct timing and appropriate reaction to the style of the music
Performance - Maintaining appropriate expression through face and body
Imaginative Sequence - Expressing a story through movement with confidence and creativity
Students receive a mark for each criteria as follows:
0 - Not Shown (The elements to be assessed were not shown)
1 - Occasionally (The candidate showed an ability to achieve the required assessment criteria some of the time)
2 - Generally (The candidate showed an ability to achieve the required assessment criteria approximately half of the time)
3 - Frequently (The candidate showed an ability to achieve the required assessment criteria almost all of the time)
If the attainment descriptor 0 - Not Shown is given in any section, then the class award will not be obtained.
All students successfully obtaining the class award will receive a results form, a certificate and a medal.
Primary to Advanced 2 Examinations​
For the Primary to Advanced 2 examinations, candidates will receive both a final mark (expressed as a percentage) and an attainment band.
The exams are structured with 10 sections and each section is allocated a mark out of 10. The marks are aggregated to arrive at a total out of 100 which corresponds to the following attainment bands:
0-39% - Standard not attained (unsuccessful)
40-54% - Pass
55-64% - Merit
65-74% - High Merit
75-84% - Distinction
85-100% - High Distinction
Here is a brief description of the marks:
0 - No work was shown
1 - The candidate showed an extremely limited ability to achieve the elements assessed
2 - The candidate showed a very limited ability to achieve the elements assessed
3 - The candidate showed a limited ability to achieve the elements assessed
4 - The candidate showed an adequate ability to achieve the elements assessed
5 - The candidate showed a fair ability to achieve the elements assessed
6 - The candidate showed a fairly good ability to achieve the elements assessed
7 - The candidate showed a good ability to achieve the elements assessed
8 - The candidate showed a very good ability to achieve the elements assessed
9 - The candidate showed an excellent ability to achieve the elements assessed
10 - The candidate showed an exceptional ability to achieve the elements assessed​
Here is a brief description of the attainment bands:
Standard not attained - Little awareness of technique is shown overall. Musical and performance qualities are rarely evident.
Pass - A basic competence in the technical aspects of the work, although some areas are stronger than others. Some musicality is evident although there are limitations in certain areas. A basic ability to show some expression and communication in performance is evident.
Merit - Proficient technique overall, although probably stronger in some areas than in others. Musical qualities are evident, although they could sometimes be more consistent. Performance shows expression and communication, although these aspects could be more sustained.
High Merit - Proficient delivery of technique evident in most areas, with the ability at times to demonstrate contrast in quality of movement as required by the content. Musicality and performance are generally well sustained throughout although some aspects could be more varied.
Distinction - Secure and precise technique overall, with an ability to demonstrate contrast in style as required by the content. Musicality is highly developed most of the time and performance shows appropriate expression and communication.
High Distinction - An accomplished standard of technique overall, demonstrating a consistent and contrasting quality of movement as required by the content. Musicality is highly developed throughout, with an assured and engaging sense of performance.
All students that are successful in their examination will receive a results form and a certificate.
In addition, the Primary and Grade 1-8 students will also receive a medal which
corresponds to their attainment band as follows:
Bronze - Pass
Silver - Merit and High Merit
Gold - Distinction and High Distinction
For Discovering Repertoire, students will receive a results form and certificate for each
unit, as well as an overall Qualification certificate once they have successfully completed
all three units.
Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)
The Royal Academy of Dance is an awarding organisation recognised to award qualifications on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), Qualifications Wales, and the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment respectively.
The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) is a comprehensive structure for all qualifications (apart from degrees) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The RQF includes qualifications of many types and in all fields of study, including GCSEs, A levels, and NVQs, placing dance exams in a wider context of learning and achievement, and recognising equivalence in levels of knowledge, skills and understanding.
Here is a breakdown of how the RAD aligns with other regulated qualifications:
Level 1
RAD Grade 1-3 Examination
This is equivalent to:
GCSEs graded D-G
NVQs at level 1
Key Skills level 1
BTEC awards, certificates and diplomas at level 1
Level 2
RAD Grade 4 and 5, Intermediate Foundation and Discovering Repertoire Level 2 Examinations
This is equivalent to:
GCSEs graded A*-C
NVQs at level 2
Level 2 VQs
BTEC awards, certificates and diplomas at level 2
Level 3
RAD Grade 6-8, Intermediate, Advanced Foundation and Discovering Repertoire Level 3 Examinations
This is equivalent to:
AS/A levels
Advanced Extension Awards
International Baccalaureate
NVQs at level 3
Cambridge International Awards
Advanced and Progression Diploma
BTEC awards, certificates and diplomas at level 3
BTEC Nationals
OCR Nationals
Level 4
RAD Advanced 1, Advanced 2 and Discovering Repertoire Level 4 Examinations
This is equivalent to:
NVQs at level 4
Key Skills level 4
BTEC Professional Diplomas, Certificates and Awards
Certificates of higher education
Click here if you would like more information of the RAD's qualifications on the RQF.